Traditional and Cosmic Gods in Later Plato and the Early Academy, Cambridge University Press, 2023, p. 300, DOI: (open access)

Dimitri El Murr, Phronesis
'This fairly descriptive title hides more than it reveals what this excellent book has to offer. Bartninkas ... above all expands our understanding of Plato’s views of the relationship between philosophy and religion. One distinctive result of his argument is to prove that there is no systematic attempt on Plato’s part to reduce the traditional gods to the cosmic gods in his later work ... This is an important and fascinating result which prompts us to qualify the standard view according to which Platonic theology is merely critical of traditional religion.'
Lewis Meek Trelawny-Cassity, Ancient Philosophy
'While contributing to the existing literature by virtue of its scholarship, Bartninkas’ book is also original and provocative in its emphasis on the robust role of the traditional gods in Plato’s dialogues and the questions that it opens up regarding epistemology and the divine in Plato.'
Journal Articles
Persistent Dissent and Plato‘s Later Theory of Civic Participation, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought 40 (2023): 415-435 DOI:
Imitating the Traditional Gods: Moral Virtues and Cult Practice in Plato‘s Laws, Mnemosyne 76 (2023): 43-64 DOI: (Published online in 2021)
Book Chapters
Plato‘s Mathematical Economists: Normative Numbers and Ideal Figures in Household Management and Economic Policy of Magnesia, in T. van Berkel and A. Čelkytė (eds.), Economic Epistemologies (forthcoming)
Gods With and Without a Soul: Cosmological Theology and Greek Religion in Plato’s Dialogues, in M. Sharp (ed.), Gods Within and Without the Cosmos (forthcoming)
The Greek Notions of Sea-Power, in R. Clare and H. Williams (eds.), The Ancient Sea: Utopia and Catastrophe in Classical Narratives and their Reception, Liverpool University Press, 2022 p. 43–61 DOI:
Lithuanian Journal Articles
Platoniškoji nuosaikumo politika ir šiuolaikinė pilietinė teorija, Problemos 104 (2023): 74-85 DOI:
Teologija ir matematika Platono vėlyvojoje etikoje, Literatūra 64 (2022): 20-30 DOI:
Nuo politinio gyvūno prie vidinio asmens: du Alvydo Jokubaičio kūrybos periodai ir jų antropologinės prielaidos, Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis 44 (2021): 89-102
Drama ir politika Atlantidos pasakojime, Literatūra 61 (2019)): 22–31 DOI:
Kas yra antikinis politinis mąstymas?, Problemos 96 (2019): 48-60 DOI:
Book Reviews
Platonists on Platonism. Review of Mauro Bonazzi: Platonism: a concise history from the Early Academy to Late Antiquity. Classical scholarship in translation. Translated by Sergio Knipe, Introduction by David Sedley. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 233 pp, £30.00 HB, Metascience (2023) DOI:
Review of Luc Brisson, Arnaud Macé, Olivier Renaut (eds.), Plato’s Parmenides: Selected Papers of the Twelfth Symposium Platonicum. International Plato studies, 41. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag, 2022, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2023)
Undergraduate Peer-reviewed Papers
Pilietinė tapatybė ir pamaldumas Platono Įstatymuose, Literatūra 57 (2015): 7-15 DOI:
The State is Not Like a Beehive: The Self-Containment of Plato's Statesman, Problemos 86 (2014): 127-138 DOI:
Meistrysčių vadyba Platono dialoge Valstybininkas, Literatūra 56 (2014): 32-44 DOI:
The Pre-political and the Political in Aristotle’s Politics, Problemos 85 (2014): 18-29 DOI:
I have translated into Lithuanian from English and Ancient Greek the following books:
Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, Aidai, 2015, p. 420. ISBN 9786094500251
Plato, Alcibiades, Jonas ir Jokūbas, 2016, p. 175. ISBN: 9786099589510
Plato, Lysis, Lietuvos Klasikų asociacija (Societas Classica), 2014, p. 253. ISBN 9786099558127