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Selected academic presentations

  • 2024/01/29 Plato's Mathematical Economists, or On Normative Mathematics in Household Management and Economic Policy, invited presentation, London Institute of Classical Studies

  • 2023/08/26 Plato’s Economic Experts: Situating Household Management Between Mathematics and Politics,  workshop „Economic Epistemologies in the Graeco-Roman World“, Leiden University

  • 2023/06/25 Response to Lia Theodoroudi‘s “Who are the Kompsoi of 285a1?, workshop „16th Annual West Coast Plato Workshop: the Statesman“, University of Arizona

  • 2023/06/01 The Ouranian God in Plato‘s Academy, colloquium „Gods In and Outside the Cosmos in Ancient Religion and Philosophy“, The University of St Andrews

  • 2023/04/28 Persistent Dissenters in Plato‘s Magnesia, invited presentation, Oslo University

  • 2022/11/25 Cosmic Gods: Philosophy and Astronomy, invited lecture, University of Cambridge

  • 2022/06/09 Politics of Moderation: Reclaiming Plato’s Civic Participation Model, conference „Plato 2022“, University of Rhode Island

  • 2022/03/01 Nuosaikumas moralėje ir politikoje, conference „Moralė ir politika“, Vilnius University

  • 2021/09/11 Pasaulio ribos, conference „Nidos forumas: Finis Mundi“, Thomo Manno kultūros centras

  • 2021/06/17  The Greek Gods and the Planetary Names, workshop „Astronomy and Astrology in Early Text Cultures“, University of Oxford

  • 2021/04/15 The Two Theogonies of Plato's Timaeus, seminar „Plato‘s Timaeus“, Fribourg University

  • 2021/03/05 The Greek Notion of Sea-power, conference „The Ancient Sea: Utopia and Catastrophe in Classical Narratives and their Reception“, University of Liverpool

  • 2019/09/27 Politiniai gyvūnai ir slaptoji erdvė, conference „A. Jokubaičio politinės filosofijos konferencija“, VU TSPMI

  • 2019/09/11 Helenistinė dorybių teorija: Antiocho indėlis, departmental seminar, VU TSPMI

  • 2018/12/14 Plato’s Ideal of Godlikeness and Its Contemporary Readers, workshop „Tartu Ancient Philosophy Workshop“, University of Tartu

  • 2018/06/06 A response to Taichi Miura on Is the Philosophical Life Ascetic? The Affinity Argument (Phaedo, 78b-84b), graduate colloquium „Ancient Triangle Graduate Colloquia“, University College London

  • 2018/05/26 Becoming Godlike in the Timaeus: A Reassessment of the Debate, conference „Cambridge-LMU Graduate Student Conference“, University of Cambridge

  • 2018/03/12 Eudoxus and the Immanent Forms in Aristotle, De ideis, 97.27–98.24, doctoral seminar, University of Cambridge

  • 2017/12/05 Ouranos and Kosmos in Plato’s Timaeus, invited lecture, Sun Yat-sen university

  • 2017/11/30 Plato’s Sophist, 236d4-239b5: Parmenides and what is not (neither one nor many), with Alessio Santoro, departmental seminar, University of Cambridge

  • 2017/09/19 The Social Function of Plato’s Cosmology and Politogony, conference „Plato’s Communities: Citizenship and Diversity“, University of Brasília

  • 2016/12/02 Plato on the Younger Gods, work in progress seminar, Institute of Classical Studies, London

  • 2016/11/11 Why the Universe is an Animal? On Animality and Technomorphy in Plato‘s Timaeus, conference „Colloquium Balticum XV Vilnense“, Vilnius University

  • 2016/10/21 Liver in Plato’s epistemology, seminar „Paris-Lille-Cambridge Seminar“, University of Lille

  • 2016/09/20 Remembering What Never Happened: Repetitions in Plato’s Timaeus-Critias, conference „The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature“, University of Oxford

  • 2016/06/25 Plato on Becoming a Perfect Society, conference „The 1st Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Philosophy“, Royal Holloway, University of London

  • 2016/05/04 Heraclitus on His Contemporaries, Their Authorities and Customs, with Caterina Pellò, doctoral seminar, University of Cambridge

  • 2016/03/19 Response to Bram Demulder on Plutarch’s Cosmic Cycles, conference „The 6th Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy“, University of Cambridge

  • 2015/11/07 Civic Religion in the Pseudo-Platonic Epinomis, conference „Colloquium Balticum XIV Tartuense“, University of Tartu

Bringing Philosophy and Classics to the Public

I divide my time equally between exchanging ideas with the academics and the public. I am a regular speaker at schools and NGOs, cultural and business events, where I aim to connect Classical Antiquity and philosophy with pop culture, social developments, leadership challenges and much more. Moreover, for the last 10 years I have been organising the Classical Academy, a non-profit summer school for children which explores various aspects of the Ancient world and which has attracted almost 250 people! Below you will find some titles of my talks.

Selected public presentations

Selected training sessions

  • 2024/04/19 Atlantis: the Meaning of Myth, Latin Teachers' Seminar, Vilnius

  • 2024/03/26 Dilemmas in the Path of the Young Scholar. How to Avoid Them?, ARKSI Seminar Series "Quality and Impact of Humanities", Vilnius University

  • 2023/08/19 From the Cave and Back Again, National Student Academy, NMA Summer Session 2023, Druskininkai

  • 2023/01/10 How to teach thinking about the future of man and the state, training for psychologists, Vilnius City Centre for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance

  • 2022/11/04 How to distinguish Greeks from Romans, seminar for history teachers, Puvočiai

  • 2022/04/12 How to learn to be a leader?, lecture for participants of the programme "Create for Lithuania", Vilnius 

  • 2021/02/27 The Polis and Democracy: the Birth of the Idea of the State, Debate Your Issue conference training, International Youth Debate Alumni Association

  • 2020/05/03 Classical Studies Today, Latin Teachers' Seminar, Vilnius

  • 2020/01/30 Being in Conflict without Authority, Training for HR Managers, Association of HR Management Professionals Conference

  • 2019/12/07 Self-education: a platonic guide to self-development, Pupil training, Pupil Self-Government Conference 2019

  • 2019/08/14 Studying and Living Philosophy, training for students at PRIME Learning Camp, ISM University
    2017/04/10 Socrates and Civic Education, Teacher Training, 2nd Education Conference "LearnED", Vilnius

Other selected talks

  • 2024/01/16 Dialectics, conference "Dialectics of State Data: struggles of opposites and search for unity", State Data Agency

  • 2023/11/29 The Concept of the State in the Works of G. Beresnevičius and P. Dirgela, Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium Students' Club "Facing the Sea"

  • 2023/08/30 What does it mean to live well in the state?, 11th Academy of Classics, VU

  • 2023/03/07 What does it mean to be a statesman? Lessons of March 11, Žirmūnai Gymnasium's annual statehood celebration event "Lithuania Today" 

  • 2022/10/27 Athens as the first maritime power, School of Political Science, VU TSPMI

  • 2022/08/31 How do (maritime) states rise and fall?, 10th Academy of Classics, VU

  • 2022/04/26 Heroism and the Hero's Journey, Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium

  • 2021/12/13 Birthday of the book "Lithuania 2120": utopias, Exhibition Space "House of Stories"

  • 2021/08/23 Alexander of Macedon: Portrait of a Ruler, 9th Academy of Classics, VU Faculty of Philology

  • 2021/08/18 The Future of Democracy in Our Hands. How should we build it?, Youth Debates, Vilnius

  • 2021/05/04 Philosophy in Life, Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium

  • 2020/12/14 The First Space City, School of Young Political Scientists, VU TSPMI

  • 2020/08/25 Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic, 8th Academy of Classics, VU Faculty of Philology

  • 2020/03/05 Lithuania's tomorrow: how to imagine it?, Žirmūnai Gymnasium annual statehood celebration event "Lithuania Today"

  • 2019/11/15 Aristotle in The Walking Dead, School of Young Political Scientists, VU TSPMI

  • 2019/10/18 The Philosophy of the Good Life, Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium

  • 2019/08/26 War and Democracy in Thucydides' Political Theory, 7th Academy of Classics, VU Faculty of Philology

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