Taught courses
PhD Courses
Politics and Theology in Ancient Greek and Roman Writings, 2024–now, Faculty of Philology
MPhil Courses
Conceptualising the Divine in Antiquity, 2025–now, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy
Writing Research Texts, 2019–now, Faculty of Philology
The Theme of Moderation in Ancient Culture, 2022–2024, Faculty of Philology
Plato's Political Philosophy, 2019–2022, Faculty of Philology
Ancient Political Thought, 2019, Faculty of Philology
BA Courses
Ancient Philosophy, 2022–now, Faculty of Philology
Classical Political Theories, 2018–now, Institute of International Relations and Political Science
Knowledge of Reality in Plato, 2023–2024, Faculty of Philology
Wisdom and the Divine: Ancient Greek Philosophy and Religion, Kings College London (Substituting teacher)
Teaching Awards
Exploring classical conceptions and philosophical challenges with students is the driving force behind my research and writing. In 2022, I became the Lecturer of the Year in Vilnius University. In 2024, the largest and oldest student corporation Republica has awarded me with the title Professor Optimus Scientiarum Politicarum.

Theses supervisions
PhD Theses
The Influence of Cultural and Religious Concepts on Ancient Ethics: From Plato to the Stoics, 2023–now
Aristotelian Mimesis: The Relation Between Art and Reality, 2023–now
MPhil Theses
The Monad and the Dyad in Xenocrates' Philosophy, 2023 (magna cum laude)
Aristotle's Mathematical Philosophy in Metaphysics M–N, 2023 (cum laude)
BA Theses
Plato's Meno: Introduction, Translation, and Philosophical Commentaries, 2024
The Interaction Between Urbanism and Politics in the Ideal Cities of Ancient Thinkers, 2024
Freedom as Non-Domination: The Analysis and Critique of P. Pettit's Republican Theory, 2023
M. Nussbaum's Conception of Justice: The Capabilities Approach as a Metapolitical Category, 2022 (cum laude)
Political Arguments in Plato's Eschatological Myths, 2022
Plato's Laws Book 10: Introduction, Translation, Commentaries, 2021 (magna cum laude)